Culturally competent coaching with a mental health lens.
Many people experience chronic stress and trauma which can impact their ability to live life well. By providing practical skills and tools, MJM Coaching guides everyday people out of stress and toward a thriving and hopeful future.
✓ Personal Coaching
✓ Group Coaching
✓ Professional Coaching
✓ Organizational Coaching
Where do I go from here?
The world we live in can be filled with pain, disappointment, and isolation, which often leads to feelings of stress, grief, and loneliness. People ascribe value or dehumanize others based on race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, immigration status, and ability. These factors often lead to chronic stress and trauma, which can have vast implications on health and well-being, such as:
✗ Emotional dysregulation
✗ Physiological issues
✗ Mental health challenges
✗ Relational tension
✗ Professional obstacles
✗ Spiritual anguish
The challenges don’t stop there, particularly for historically marginalized people. As you seek professional or community-based help, you may encounter problems, such as:
✗ Counselors lacking cultural competence
✗ Difficulty finding trauma-informed coaching or mentoring
✗ People who struggle to hold space for painful life realities
✗ Having to “make it make sense” to others
✗ Being gaslit in spaces that are supposed to be “safe”

You deserve a space where you can breathe.
I’m passionate about helping people thrive.
Welcome! My name is Matthew Melendrez and I create spaces where you can be known just as you are.
Like many people, my story has been marked by grief, trauma, and chronic stress. Whether you are navigating life after losing a loved one, have experienced having your voice silenced or culture devalued, are on a work team where you feel you do not belong, are going through a major life or professional transition, or just received life-altering news, I can relate.
I understand what it is like to experience isolation, overwhelm, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
Through these challenges, I have also experienced healing, growth, transformation, and hope. I have become comfortable and confident in who I am and, just as importantly, who I am not. I am convinced that the pain we carry is not the end of the story.
I founded MJM Coaching to serve people like you: people who are searching for trauma-informed care and resources to help them move toward a thriving and hopeful future.
✓ Certified Professional Life Coach
✓ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Practitioner
✓ Mental Health Professional
✓ Trauma-Informed
MJM Coaching is certified by industry leaders

Starting a coaching relationship with me is simple.
Schedule a free consult
Schedule a consult using the link below. During your free consult, we will get to know one another, answer any questions you have, and see if we are the right fit to work with one another.
Complete initial assessment
Your initial assessment will be one 50-minute session where we will build trust by discussing your present experience, how you got there, and your goals for the future. We will also determine your development plan.
Begin our coaching relationship
Our coaching relationship will typically last five to fifteen 50-minute sessions. We will collaborate to implement your development plan and move you towards hope and a thriving future.
You will leave our coaching relationship with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to move from chronic stress and trauma toward a life of hope and thriving.
Find hope and start thriving
Hope and a thriving life are accessible to you.
I know you want to experience hope and thrive in your work, health, and relationships while navigating this complicated world well. To get there, you may need to overcome some barriers and find a nonjudgmental coach to help guide you toward a thriving future.
However, you may not be able to find trustworthy care providers who honor cultural distinctions. In these instances, you may end up coaching the provider to understand your reality, which may further your experience of being depleted, isolated, and hopeless.
No one should have to deal with these challenges. That’s why I provide trauma-informed, culturally competent, and personalized coaching. I will guide you on a development path, so you can find hope and thrive.
Here’s how it works: Schedule a consultation using the link below. During your free consultation, we will get to know one another, answer initial questions, and see if we are the right fit to work with one another. Next, we will complete an initial assessment.
The assessment will be one 50-minute session where we will build trust by discussing your present experience and how you got there, your goals for the future, and determine your development plan. Then we will begin a formal coaching relationship.
We will collaborate to implement your development plan and move you towards hope and a thriving future. You will leave our coaching relationship with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to move from chronic stress and trauma toward a life of hope and thriving.
Right now the stress and trauma are keeping you from the thriving life you were meant to live. Let’s journey together so you can thrive. Schedule a free consultation using the link below and let’s connect.