DEI coaching consulting san luis obispo california
DEI coaching consulting san luis obispo california

Personal Coaching

Everyone has seasons in life where, when faced with a major transition, decision, event, or goal, the chaos of the many competing thoughts and opinions becomes a serious stressor. Or maybe you are in a different season of life where you want to invest in yourself, grow in your emotional intelligence, and more deeply understand who you are. If you find yourself in a season like this, personal coaching is for you! This is the most collaborative service I offer. Together, we will identify you goals and needs in coaching, create a development plan, and journey towards seeing your goals realized. 

MJM Coaching serves everyday people who experience the following:




Life/Job transitions

Racial trauma

Spiritual trauma

A growing interest in emotional intelligence

A desire to invest in your wellbeing

When you work with me and are willing to engage in your development, you will experience what many clients have already experienced:

You will feel seen, heard, and understood.

You will have your story validated, and also be able to understand your story in context.

You will be treated with excellence and care.

You will learn new insights, skills, and tools that will help you move toward hope and a thriving life.

What you’ll receive


$150 per hour
*Cost of assessment tools (i.e. EQ-i 2.0) not included.

If you are facing economic hardship, please contact us about our sliding scale pricing.