diversity equity inclusion coaching consulting san luis obispo california

Organizational Coaching & Consulting

Many organizations have hired consultants to create Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) and/or mental health care strategic plans but may experience paralysis in their implementation. Organizational Coaching & Consulting is designed to provide support for leaders tasked with integrating DEIB and/or mental health care strategic goals organization-wide. Sustainability and vitality will be core values throughout coaching to ensure the strategic plan is accomplished. Additionally, the coach can provide various training to contribute to the actualization of the strategic plan.

What we offer

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Coaching & Consulting

Cultural Proficiency Coaching & Consulting

Mental Health and Psychology Coaching & Consulting

Emotional Intelligence Coaching & Consulting

What you’ll receive

Strategic plan consultation & update

Program 360 evaluation

Project 360 evaluation 

Individual development plans

Team/Department development plans

Reputable, peer-reviewed psychometric assessments



$200 per hour 
*Cost of assessment tools (i.e. EQ-i 2.0) not included